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What is your story?

Spiritual Direction is an ancient Church practice of companioning someone in their relationship with God. Each season with God carries its lessons and challenges and graces, many of which we will miss without taking the time to process, especially with another person. 


I have been walking with people through their spiritual journeys in vocational campus ministry since 1995. That's a lot of stories. What is yours?


I completed the Selah spiritual direction program through Leadership Transformations and have been serving as a spiritual director to help others discern the Lord's activity in their lives. To be entrusted with people's experiences with God is a sacred responsibility. I look forward to hearing your story. 







Rev. Shane Adams


My Story

Early on in my journey, I thought I had to earn God's love. My performance-based view of God's affection limited my understanding and experience of His sweet presence in my life. It wasn't until I allowed another to see what was going on in my heart that I began to see a significant breakthrough. 


As I have allowed others to see my "interior castle",  as Theresa of Avila coins, perception of God's activity:  grace, love, blessing, protection, leading/voice, and lessons has become more commonplace. I have also heard some of the most powerful two words spoken, "Me too." Additionally, my spiritual director has helped me to discern these "God smiles" at times when I was too rushed or distracted to take the time to notice. 


Though I have worn many hats of father, son, husband, missionary, pastor, neighbor, Christian, etc., I am finding my identity in Christ is not based on these or on my performance. My identity is a child of God; a playful, imaginative, inquisitive, child of God. :)



I'd love to hear your story. Let's connect. If you are ready to book an appointment, visit my booking page, below, and choose from the dates and times available. 


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